7 Workable Tips to Enhance The Quality of Hire

Putting together the right team will help you achieve your goals. A high-performing employee is 400% more productive than an average one. Therefore, organizations focus more on quality of hire, a critical recruiting metric.

However, finding high-quality candidates can be challenging. Sometimes recruiters and hiring managers can’t find qualified candidates for vacancies, so they settle for average candidates. That leaves the hiring manager to find the best candidate.

This article will help you identify the best candidates for your company. Let’s first figure out what quality of hire means.

Quality of hire

A Quality hire is when an employee contributes to the company’s success. An employee’s performance and tenure in the company are some indicators. The quality of hires can be measured simultaneously as the overall success of recruiting efforts. Are your hiring practices aligned with your company’s long-term goals? Keeping track of your quality of hire score over time will help you identify improvement opportunities.

How can you improve your hiring process?

It’s not just about knowing when it comes to finding quality, and your hiring efforts can be improved by evaluating their effectiveness. A good hiring process is a long-term investment but worth it.

However, the following ways are worth considering:

1.   Make sure your hiring is up to par

If you want to improve your quality of hire, you’ve got to know your current score. Setting goals for improving your hiring quality is easy once you measure it. Where would you like to be after six months, one year, or five years? Planning your activities and tracking your results will help you keep track of your progress. To hire intelligent candidates, you can hire Compono at

2.   Partner with hiring managers

A LinkedIn report on data-driven recruiting says 61% of hiring managers think recruiters don’t know what they’re doing. There’s no getting around the importance of collaboration in improving your hiring quality. Hiring managers can help refine job descriptions, screen candidates, and guide business goals. You’re more likely to hire the right person if you involve them throughout the process.

3.   Collaborative work

Working with employees during the recruitment process will also improve the quality of your hire. Employees can be directly involved in the interview process through multi-stage or panel interviews or by giving feedback on candidate profiles.

So you can avoid unconscious bias, minimize recruiter pressure, hire someone who will assimilate naturally, and reduce time-to-hire. Candidate meetings with current employees will give them a better idea of your company, resulting in a better recruiting experience.

4.   Put the right AI to work

AI (Artificial Intelligence) can help you find the best candidates. For example, machine learning software can analyze past resumes, interviews, and assessments.

Artificial intelligence can help develop accurate job descriptions, target suitable candidates online, reduce unconscious bias, and assess recruitment methods and sources by automating elements of recruitment and onboarding.

5.   Recruit more objectively

Traditional recruiting methods are often subject to much subjectivity. The lack of structured interviewing procedures, inconsistent application procedures, stringent pre-screening techniques, and organizational bias can all lead to bad hires and the unfair exclusion of talented candidates.

Making your recruitment process more objective is possible in many ways. As part of this process, you might conduct structured interviews, use aptitude tests, and adopt collaborative hiring practices. Consider whether your interview and assessment format might alienate or isolate some candidates or fail to identify the most suitable candidates.

6.   Keep an eye on your screening.

If you want to quickly narrow down a large pool of candidates and drive recruitment efficiency, pre-screening tools are a great help. However, you should ensure your criteria are accurate, fair, and constantly reviewed and improved.

7.   Find the right people for the job.

When a company’s values and goals align with its employees’, the term “organizational fit” means the employee fits in well. If you assess candidates for organizational fit, you’re more likely to hire motivated, productive, and loyal employees. Combining in-person assessment days, references, in-person assessment tests, and situational judgment tests can help find the right fit. It doesn’t mean everyone is the same when you hire based on cultural or organizational fit. Your business needs candidates who share your values, are proud to work for you and are motivated to help you grow.


Quality of hire won’t improve overnight, but the long-term benefits are well worth the time and effort. Make this change happen with a strategy and resources dedicated to improving your score. Initially, it won’t be easy, but you’ll be rewarded with higher employee retention, more engaged employees, and more cost-effective hiring.

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