5 Businesses you can set up from home

Everyone is trying to find ways to make extra money these days. Some people want a side hustle to help pay bills, while others hope to generate enough income to move on from their current daily job. Below are some business ideas that you can get started on from home – some will need up-front capital, whereas others you may be able to start with little impact on your current life.


Everyone thinks they can be a photographer, but it will take work and dedication to make a successful photography business. You do not need to set up a photography studio, though. You can run a successful business selling photos as prints, creating stock images and so on, all from your home. You may need to travel a little to find the shots you want, but most of the business can be done from your house. If photography is a hobby that you love to do, this is an easy way of generating a bit of extra income from work you are doing anyway.


A food business does not have to be a catering company. You can create food to sell on a market stall, create lunches to deliver to local offices and so on. However, as you are dealing with people directly, it is wise to make sure you have precautions in place. Always meet hygiene standards, acquire the right permits and ensure that you have the correct food business insurance in place. Ensure that you research prices thoroughly as it is too easy to under-charge if you have started off by only ‘selling’ to friends and family.


With the previous two ideas, you may already have a lot of the equipment in place to start operating. With printing, however, you will likely need to have the capital to buy some equipment (and, of course, the space). In a digital world, it seems that printing may be unnecessary, but there are still many reasons that a person or company would want to print documents – either in large numbers or in a specialist way. You should look in your area to see what is being offered and find the gap in the market – this will determine what equipment you will need.

Training Courses or Tutoring

If you have become a specialist in your field, then why not start holding training courses or tutoring individuals? This has the benefit of being quite flexible – you can host your own website to provide the training or sign up to other companies who will be able to match you to clients. You could do live classes, one-on-one sessions, or even film something which would go out at a later time. There are many options to fit in with the way you would like to work.


As with printing, this will need some up-front capital. However, it is quite possible to hire or buy some equipment (provided you have the space), get in touch with large businesses or flat blocks, and to start building up a business and client list. Although the cost of utilities is going up, there will always be people who are unable to do their own laundry – either due to the size of what is being cleaned or the specialist products and expertise needed. A bit of research will help you here.

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