5 Signs You Have a Clogged Septic Tank

About 25 percent of homes across the US use a septic tank. Septic tanks provide an ideal waste disposal solution for homes that aren’t connected to a sewage system. But what if something goes wrong and your septic tank gets clogged up?

A clogged septic tank is a risk to human health and the environment. Not to mention, solving these kinds of issues as and when they arise is the best way to prevent an expensive septic system replacement. But you’ll need to know what signs to look out for.

Keep reading to learn how to recognize when your septic tank is clogged.

1. Sewage Backing Up

If sewage water starts backing up into your home, this is a clear sign of a clog between your house and septic tank. The reason for a clog could be anything from a build-up of food waste particles to unflushable items in your pipes. Remember that the only things you should be flushing are “the three Ps” – pee, poop, and paper!

2. Slow Drains

Slow drains indicate a clog in the pipe that flows into the septic tank. While this might urge you to attack with Drano, it’s best to avoid using harsh drain cleaners.

Not only do the chemicals in them deteriorate your pipes over time, but they can also increase the need for a septic tank clog remover by killing off essential gunk-eating bacteria. Instead, make sure to use a natural drain cleaner complete with bacteria and enzymes.

3. Gurgling Noises

If your plumbing system makes gurgling sounds, this is a sure-fire sign that something is wrong – but where? First, make sure it’s not your water pressure tank. If it is, take a look here to find out more about these water pressure tank installation experts.

But, gurgling noises at your sink or in your tub after you flush a nearby toilet are also a sign of a clogged septic tank filter so you’ll need to investigate this too.

4. Rotten Egg Smell

The smell of sewage in your home is often a sign of a clogged septic tank, but not always. Cover your bases by checking whether a dried-out wax seal on your toilet or a dry trap in a floor drain are to blame. If not, it’s time to take a closer look at your septic tank.

5. Lush Grass Around Your Septic Tank

Dying grass around your septic tank is normal since the soil there isn’t as deep as the rest of your lawn. What’s not normal is for the grass there to be thriving and lush.

This can happen when there’s a wastewater leak due to a clogged septic tank field line. Effluent escaping before it hits the drain field acts as a fertilizer. Avoid this from happening by getting your septic system inspected every year and pumped every three years.

Signs of a Clogged Septic Tank

Spotting one or more of these signs of a clogged septic tank doesn’t have to spell disaster. Often, it’s more of a warning that you need to monitor your household habits and stick to a septic system maintenance schedule.

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