How To Implement CTI Software for Your Business

As of 2021, the global Computer Telephony Integration (CTI software) market size has an estimated worth of over 1780 million dollars. This may largely be thanks to the COVD-19 pandemic and its effect on how businesses are managed today.

That estimated worth is only expected to grow.

The question is, what is CTI software, and how can you implement this highly valued software for your business?

Here’s a simple guide to understanding computer technology integration and how it can help your business.

What is CTI Software?

Don’t let the long name, acronym, and popularity of this new software intimidate you. In the simplest terms, CTI software ties your computer system to your business phones.

You can easily learn more about CTI software and all the benefits it provides to your business and customer relationships. Only a few perks include advanced automation and customer feedback.

It’s especially effective at saving your team time by ensuring data is saved correctly. No more going back to hand-written notes taken by your sales team…

This is done as a CTI connects to your existing CRM system and records your calls and texts. Now, you never have to miss a call, and you can capture helpful KPIs obtained from customer calls.

Training Benefits

You’ve probably called a company and heard the common phrase, “this call may be recorded for training purposes.” Well, CTI enables this feature for your business.

In fact, capturing phone calls and recording them is a great training tool many businesses appreciate about CTI software. Not only are the calls saved, but because CTI software is cloud-based, your employees can access the data you’d like from anywhere they have an internet connection.

Let your employees listen to what a “positive” customer interaction sounds like. Use the data and recordings to learn and improve how you handle differing customer issues.

You can also make more informed decisions for your business because you have easy access to valuable customer feedback at the end of each call. That is if callers/customers opt-in to provide that feedback.

Regardless, you’re far more likely to get their candid feedback in this way than through some other marketing strategies.

Implementing New CTI Software

The good news is that most businesses already use some kind of CRM software. If this is the case for your business, then connecting your CTI software and your CRM software is a cinch.

The key really is pinpointing your main goals for using the software.

Once you know what you wish to obtain from it, you can work with a team to identify the best CTI software for your purposes. Once you have narrowed the options, an experienced software development service can make your computer integration with your phones easy.

Getting Started

Once you find the right computer-integration technologies, your company’s efficiency will go through the roof. CTI software is simple to implement if you have the right help.

One key is insisting that your developer allow you to try out the new system before committing to adopting their specific technology.

For more helpful business updates, browse the Tech portion of our blog.


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