How To Choose The Best Inventory App For Your Business

The backroom of your store is a mess. You’ve got a ton of outdated products that you can’t even sell anymore. Talk about a waste!

You have customers trying to order items that you thought you didn’t have, but you do. Your staff is running around trying to clean things up, but they’re in over their heads.

For your company, and by extension, your backroom to run like a well-oiled machine, you need a good inventory app.

The question is, how do you choose one? What features should you be on the lookout for?

We can help you make your choice. Keep reading to learn more.

Consider Your Needs

The first step toward choosing an inventory management app is to consider your needs. Think about what kind of business you run.

If you’re the head honcho of a huge corporation, you’re going to need a program with more intricate features due to how much you’ll have to manage.

Let’s say that you’re in charge of a restaurant? You’ll have different needs than a retail shop.

You’ve also got to think about what you’re trying to achieve. If your goal is to keep track of the amount of stock you’ve got and clean up your backroom, you’ll need an inventory tracking app with the right features for that.

Plan for the Future

When it comes to buying anything, never live in the now. It’s always a good idea to plan ahead.

If you run a small business, you may not have that many inventory needs at the moment. As your company grows, however, you’ll find that your needs will grow as well.

You can always switch programs later, but it’s a lot of trouble that you don’t want to deal with. That means you should buy inventory management software that will grow as you do.

Software Integrations

A free inventory app has a lot of features that allow it to stand on its own. This being said, if you can find a software program that will work with your other business applications, you should jump on the opportunity.

It will allow you to use one program to operate several of your business processes instead of having to switch from software to software.


You can’t use an inventory tracking app with all the bells and whistles if you can’t afford it. You may have to compromise on a few features to bring the price down.

You should also think about payment methods. Some companies require a one-time payment. Others will hit you with a monthly bill.

Even though the latter takes money out of your bank account once a month, it could be a cheaper way to get a program with more features.

It’s important that you don’t wave off an app because of the cost. Cheaper isn’t always better. Opting for the more expensive program could net you more profitability.

Training and Support

Having the best inventory app doesn’t matter if your employees can’t figure out how to use it. Good companies will provide some kind of training, so you can get things going as soon as possible.

There are a lot of companies that will provide you with training videos. Some won’t give you videos, but they will allow for telephone support. If your staff members get lost, all they have to do is call the number.

Check Out Reviews

When in doubt, check out reviews. Nobody can tell you about the effectiveness of a piece of software quite like other customers.

A quick Google search will give you a long line of comments that you can read.

Make sure that you take some of the reviews with a grain of salt. You may have to do some scrolling to find any comments with substance.

User – Friendliness

Technology is a finicky thing. Any kind of software can come with some level of challenge.

Using your inventory software shouldn’t make you want to beat your head against the wall, though.

The entire reason why you’re buying the software is to make organizing your business easier. If you choose the most complicated program you can, it sort of defeats the purpose.


The more warehouses and stores you have, the more flexible you need your inventory software to be. You’re going to have several employees using the same program. You’ve got to make sure that it can handle that.

It’s also helpful to find an app that can work across several platforms. Being able to pull up the program on your phone is super helpful.

If your warehouse has a poor internet connection, you’ll be in trouble if you go with a web-based system. You may want to choose an app that can also work offline.


Depending on what kind of business you run, you might have some very specific needs. If that’s the case, you’re going to need an app that you can customize.

Get the vendor on the phone and ask them how you can make the program your own.

Make Your Business Operations Go Smoother With the Right Inventory App

Are you tired of having a cluttered back room in your shop? Is your warehouse a disaster? It’s time to clean things up with a killer inventory app.

As you can see, there’s a lot to consider before you make your choice. We hope that you’re able to use this guide to find the right option for your company.

For more tips that will help you keep your workplace organized, visit the Business section of our blog.


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