How to find professional writers to write my essay in one hour

Gone are the days when students had sleepless nights for writing essays. Writing companies online have taken them out of hot water for a few dollars. But, all these services are not professional, particularly when you have the shortest deadlines. So, below are a few guidelines to get your assignment excellently done in less than an hour.

Trawl Through Essay Writing Services

Mostly, essay writing companies are alert round the clock. So, if you are looking for how to find writers, it is not difficult whether it is day or night. They begin to execute the order after receiving it to meet the deadline assigned by you. But, one hour is a very short deadline, and you have the least time to revise the task before the assignment after the service has sent it to you. Thus, you need to be cautious about the experience, seriousness, and performance of a company. Specially, you need to focus on its deadline concerns. For this, there are many online essay writing companies like Edu Jungles.

Visit ‘About Us’

Visit ‘About us’ to know whether the company is experienced or not. In that section, they must have mentioned the year they begin their service. If the company has been working for many years, it must have experience in handling assignments with short deadlines by understanding the critical situation of the students at that time.

Read Customer Review

Go through customer feedback, specifically with the keyword ‘deadline.’ If the customers are happy with their service at the eleventh hour, you can confidently pick them up for your one-hour assignment.

Consult Customer Service

Talk to them about your headache with the deadline and make them aware that your countdown has started. Also, ask them whether they are accustomed to facing customers in the shortest time or not. Then, check out their responses and decide on your selection.

Money-Back Guarantee is the Must-Have

One hour is the most upsetting time for assignment writing. After a short span, the deadline is going to blast. So, even if you are going to hire an essay writing service, you cannot take a chance. Think for a moment that the company meets your deadline demands. You feel happy and submit the task to your professor, which was plagiarized or mechanically too poor. Consequently,

  • You will lose your grades
  • It will spoil your name in the institute
  • The professor may penalize you for a violation

In the end, you disappointedly abuse the company for taking a handsome amount of money and sending you that shit in return. Therefore, it is important to talk about their money-back guarantee.

Usually, you can find this guarantee in the company’s policy/ terms and conditions section. But, if you are too busy to flip through the web pages, ask customer support about this. If they affirm, they will not screw over you. And if they cheat, they will have to return your dollars. So, do not hire an essay writer to a company without a money-back guarantee.

Never Forget to Ask for a Deadline

Before you thumb up to a writing service, get sure about the deadline because it is your main concern at this time. You cannot simply order them, “write my college essay in one hour,” and feel relaxed. Every writing company may not be serious about timely deliveries. Even experienced companies drop a deadline extension message after you have slept for one hour, realizing that when you would wake up, they would make you happy. So, it is important to clarify that you have no time to extend the deadline, and they are necessarily responsible for doing the assignment within the allocated time. You can do this by;

  • Give stress on the short time they have to write the essay through typography
  • Discuss the problem with the customer care department to motivate them to write an essay fast
  • Keep in touch with them to know the progress of your order when you have left with a few hours for final submission
  • Leave polite and short email messages without making them pushy as deadline reminders
  • Ask for a draft within a half-hour of your order booking
  • Finally, stay calm, do not get rude in the panic of the deadline, and let them work peacefully.

Take Opinions from Your Friends

You can also get your friends’ advice regarding expert writers online to carry out your order quickly. It does not mean only your college friends, although they may also prove mighty helpful. You can go around your social media and get guidance about essay writers for hire. Ask them to suggest your writing service, which works brilliantly for them, mainly when they have the shortest deadline. Consulting your friend in this regard is best, because;

  • It saves time searching multiple websites and reading their ‘About Us,’ customer feedback and experience.
  • You feel at peace as there is no risk in hiring a company experienced by your friends.
  • Searching your friends on social media for advice is simpler and more convenient than looking up a reliable writer online.
  • You can freely ask your friends whether the company will write an essay for you in an hour or not
  • You can also get suggestions from your friends or college mates on the same subjects to ensure that the company is satisfactory.

Consult a Tutor

You can also hire a tutor for fast essay writing. A tutor is very supportive in assisting you to create an essay because;

  • He gives you brainstorming ideas and assists you in the research process
  • He can outline your task
  • You can discuss the structure of your essay with him
  • If you ask them, he will write an essay without plagiarism
  • He can discover sources for your task
  • You can send him the final file for proofreading
  • And, he can do everything given above here if you demand.

To hire a professional tutor and get your essay done on time, do things given below;

  • Explain your targets and writing problems
  • Tell him that you have only one hour to accomplish the essay
  • Discuss the instructions for the essay
  • Tell him about your planning
  • Highlight the content
  • If you need him to do all parts of the essay, send him complete instructions and attach essential files
  • Make him alert about the short deadline from your professor.

The best thing is to begin writing right after your instructor sends you the instructions. But, if somehow you fail to start it on time, get help from online writers. Stay cool, and do not forget to touch them again and again, so you may not have to cry over spilled milk.


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