PC Workstations: Identifying Computing Needs for Your Small Business

A recent survey indicates that 80% of businesses rely on technology for their operations. So, without the latest technology to hand, you’ll never keep pace with the competition.

If you want anyone to take your small business seriously, it’s time to upgrade from scribbled notes and calculators for running your business.

Here’s your guide to setting up PC workstations for your small business.

Determine Your Computing Needs

The first step involved in any major business decision is always determining the most cost-effective route for you. Figure out your specific computing needs first.

It’s always a good idea to computerize routine, labor-intensive tasks like inventory control, payroll, and bookkeeping. Every business needs to write letters, send emails, compose spreadsheets, and even update its social media pages.

If you ignore these preliminaries, you could end up with an expensive system with many extras you don’t need, or woefully under-equipped for the tasks at hand.

It’s a good idea to talk with other businesses to determine what works for them or get in touch with an IT professional to help you work it all out.

Choose the Right Hardware and Software

Without software, even the most sophisticated computer is little more than a desk ornament. You’ll need two major types of software for your business.

Operating System Software

An operating system, such as iOS or Windows, controls the way your computer interacts with users and installed software. Most computers arrive with an OS already installed.

Applications Software

These programs provide the tools you need to perform daily, weekly, and monthly computerized tasks. These include:

  • Word processing programs for letters, reports, etc.
  • Spreadsheet programs to create graphs, budgets, etc.
  • Database management programs for keeping track of things
  • Bookkeeping and accounting programs for payroll and accounts
  • Desktop publishing programs to create edit images and create brochures, etc.

You can shop around for integrated software packages that combine several tools in one or industry-specific software that comes with all the basics for your business.

Once you’ve identified your ideal software requirements, you need hardware to interact with it.

The CPU is the most important part of any computer hardware. It must gel with the software you need and can cope with its operational requirements. A hard drive copes with data processing and storing the results.

After that, you’ll need a keyboard, monitor, and mouse per user. Depending on the programs they use, employees might need computers of varying capacities, too.

Setting up Your PC Workstations

To run your business efficiently, you’ll need to share data between users quickly and update it in real-time. Setting up your PCs in a cluster helps you accomplish this. Find out more in this article.

One final thing to consider is privacy. Employees that work with sensitive information, like payroll, will need a private space to do their work, while team-oriented personnel is better off in an open-plan situation.

Thanks to modern-day networking, cabling, and cloud services, it’s easy to keep your computers connected, no matter where they’re located in your building.

Get the Basics Right

It makes sense to get expert help when choosing your computing necessities and setting up your PC workstations.

A professional IT consultant can help ensure you set up the best digital business solutions for your business correctly from the start. This makes it easier to scale your business without unnecessary expenses.

Would you like some more practical business advice? Browse our business section for the best tips and information.


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