The Benefits of Contactless ID Card Technologies

As the world springs back from two years of intermittent lockdowns, contactless technologies remain relevant across various aspects of daily life. These include commerce, industry, healthcare, education, and varied work areas.

One primary application of contactless technology is identification cards in schools and workplaces.

The Ontario government has even rolled out their Digital Identity Program, a digital ID system established to respond to the demand for more contactless transactions and government processes.

What Are Contactless Cards?

Contactless cards look like regular cards, whether for identification or payment, except they do not require swiping or other forms of contact to work, hence their “contactless” status.

Some cards store information in a magnetic stripe that requires swiping through a machine. On the other hand, contactless tech, such as a proximity ID card or a contactless debit card, does not require physical contact at all.

Contactless technology in cards or key fobs often works through radio frequency identification (RFID) or near-field communication (NFC).

One only needs to tap the card or key fob within proximity of the reader to initiate the desired action, whether it is unlocking doors or cabinets or initiating a commercial transaction.

Pros of Contactless Cards for Identification

Bank transactions and payments are often the most common applications of contactless technology, as commerce is something we all engage in nearly every day.

However, contactless technology is now becoming more common as a means of identification, particularly in high-security workplaces and storage facilities.

Below are three benefits your institution could get from using contactless cards for identification purposes.

Convenient Access

One of the most apparent advantages of contactless ID cards is their convenience, especially on the individual user’s end.

Since contactless cards use frequencies to communicate with the readers, they are much more convenient than magnetic stripe cards or other methods of signing in. With magnetic stripe cards, one needs to run the card through the reader physically.

Contactless cards, on the other hand, work as long as they are within the vicinity of the reader or scanner. One does not even need to physically take out the card from a protective sleeve or case to use it.

This lack of a need for physical contact also helps protect the card and the reader from eventual wear and tear, helping them last much longer.

Better Visibility and Control

Each contactless card has a chip programmed to contain the user’s name and other identifying information.

The management could then track each time a card is used. They can even program each card to only work on certain readers on specific days, allowing for more precise monitoring and better security.


Contactless identification cards aren’t limited to providing access to physical spaces. They could also be integrated into other systems in the workplace, such as daily time logs and access to electronic devices and computer software.

With this technology’s increasing popularity, the materials and software necessary to establish and upgrade one’s cardless ID system has become more accessible. Institutions could easily add new card readers and expand their systems according to their needs.

Contactless card technologies have revolutionized the way many businesses and organizations operate, especially in the “new normal” of a post-COVID world. As more groups use this technology, we will likely see further developments in the near future.


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