Three Reasons Sales People Are Getting Their Messaging Wrong And Ways To improve

If you’re losing the game with some great potential customers or missing out on some exceptional deals, it means you probably don’t have a way with words. Let’s put it this way: your clients don’t choose your product at the end of the day. How would they? They haven’t used it before! It’s what you’d tell them about that helps them make that purchasing decision or give it a shot by going on a trial period (if your product is SaaS). The point being, whether it’s an early-stage cold call, short outbound email copy, or late-stage closing conversations, the messaging of your brand plays high importance in your customer’s decision-making process.

Here are a few reasons you may be going wrong with your messaging, followed by ways to step it up a notch.

Too much information

There is only so much a human brain can consume and retain, yet salespeople insist on giving you all the information about their product on the first call itself. According to Harvard’s business review, which considers the multiple surveys of more than 7,000 consumers of the Corporate Executive Board, what makes consumers stick around is just simplicity. Yes, consumers like information, but they want information regarding their problems which we’ll talk about later in the blog. It’s important to not attack with information and have an ear for the customer.

Your message is confusing

You have an unclear story, or messaging about what your product really does, or both. If the buyer goes through a presentation and doesn’t approach you with the right set of questions, you’ll be able to tell where you’re messaging is going wrong. Pay close attention to detail.

It is curated for you, not for your prospects

How do you check to see if you’re messaging is clear? First off, is your presentation or sales pitch curated so you can explain the product better to the client, or is it curated for your client who needs to understand all the relevant information and pass it on to the collaborative decision-makers in the company? If the former is the case, you might want to run through and make sure that the messaging is straightforward for somebody encountering your product for the first time.

As promised, here are some ways to keep your messaging clear:

Keep your messaging simple and follow social cues

As mentioned above, keeping your messaging simple is crucial. However, salespeople need to be skilled at following their client’s cues. For example, only moving on to the next slide, when you’re sure they’ve understood the previous one, or judging their facial expression on a video call and making them comfortable when they look confused. But things get more challenging when their video is turned off, in which case it’s appropriate to incorporate highly engaging content or plan interactivity for a virtual conference.

Simplify your value proposition

Let’s be honest, no matter how much we’d want it to, the brain can’t interpret information and retain all of it at once. So, it’s essential to break down your messaging into chunky ideas that your customers can easily digest. Garnish these ideas with extraordinary examples, stories, case studies, or metaphors that make the ideas memorable and resellable to their internal team.

Let’s put it this way, would you instead buy it as an AI tool from somebody who provides the fastest response to customers, or would you rather be interested in purchasing from a company that disguises their chatbots as little minions? Minions invented by a CEO resembling the character of Gru from the movie “Despicable Me” because he can’t be at numerous places at one time.

Chances are you’d be more interested in buying from a company that captures your attention and demonstrates their products creatively with their brand story than a product that might even be delivering the best results in the market.

Root your messaging in a customer problem

Remember we talked about this earlier in the blog?

Your customers are not interested in all the information that you are all set to bombard them through. Instead, it’s essential to get to the root of their problems and only provide them information regarding their difficulties. Once the pain is exposed, don’t just jump to conclusions by offering your solution. Unwrap their dilemmas by asking relevant questions and be patient. 1/3 of each sales conversation must be about the customer’s problems.


So, here are things we need to understand straight away, you cannot possibly convey the entire information about your product to the customers. It would be best to harness your creative potential and put your best foot forward by providing the information you think is most relevant to the customer. Remember, once you’re through with a meeting, there’s another one that the customer arranges with its key decision-makers, the true test of your messaging.

Beyond Codes is one of the top B2B Lead Generation companies that line up with your business objectives to accelerate your complete Sales Funnel needs. We assist you to generate relevant and targeted sales leads, personalize marketing at each account level, nurture leads, and ease your way into B2B Appointment Setting with qualified prospects.

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