5 Different Kinds of Careers for Artistic People

Did you know that 32 million Americans consider themselves to be artists? Despite this large number, there’s still a relatively small minority that can make enough money to live off their art.

However, this dream is far from impossible. The reality is that there are a good number of creative careers for artistic people out there. So, what are they?

In this article, we’ll be going over five of them, as well as their job duties and the qualifications they require. That way, you can get a sampling of what types of opportunities are out there for artists.

Let’s get started!

  1. Graphic Designer

Ever wonder who puts together those helpful infographics you see on social media? Or who designs the company logos that we wear on apparel? The answer is graphic designers.

These are professionals that incorporate images and texts into promotional material. The best thing about graphic designers is that their skills apply to a variety of industries.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a five-star restaurant, a local veterinary office, or a huge corporation. All three of these options require graphic designers for their websites, menus, newsletter, and brand logos.

Job Duties

A graphic designer must convey unorganized data in a way that’s both easy to understand and aesthetically pleasing.

They can do this through a variety of different mediums. However, some of the common things you will be working on include:

  • Web pages
  • Advertisements
  • Newsletters
  • Brochures
  • Logos
  • Magazine, book, and other types of cover material
  • Annual reports

A graphic designer will need to meet with clients and discuss what they want for their communication material. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to capture the themes and tone that they want.

Some graphic designers use pen and paper to do this. However, it’s becoming increasingly common to use computer software like InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

There are plenty of graphic design college degrees that may help you get a good position. If you don’t major in graphic design, you can also take technical programs, software training, and other types of specialized courses.

However, it should be noted that many employers may prioritize experience over education. What’s needed is a strong aptitude for computer design, great communication skills, and the ability to juggle multiple projects at the same time.

  1. Art Teacher

Some people discover their love of art on their own. However, most of us are first exposed to it in a classroom setting. That’s where art teachers come in.

These professionals are responsible for exposing us to different types of art, history, and mediums for expression. You’re not likely to become famous in this field.

But, there is a true sense of satisfaction that comes with you fostering the love of art in someone else. If you get lucky you might even be able to take on the role of a mentor to a talented student.

Job Duties

Art teachers are responsible for teaching their students how to express themselves through different mediums. They may also educate their pupils on art histories like famous artists and different periods of art.

Teachers must create a curriculum or teach the required curriculum by the school. They must provide assignments for their students and grade them accordingly.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

If you want to teach art in a public school setting you will need to meet a lot of requirements. Specifically, you must have a bachelor’s degree in an art-related field and practical experience like an internship.

In addition, all fifty states require public school teachers to have licensure. If you want to get ahead of the curve, you can undergo a teacher preparation program while you study your major.

  1. Visual Artist

This is the profession most people think of when they picture careers for artists. At its most basic description, a visual artist creates art. This art can come in many forms including:

  • Paintings
  • Sculptures
  • Videos
  • Films
  • Sounds
  • Prints
  • Drawings
  • Installations
  • Many more

There are few limits to the mediums these artists work with. And, while you shouldn’t expect yourself to become the next Picasso there are plenty of ways that people can make a living in this field.

Job Duties

A visual artist’s job duties depend entirely on where they’re employed. It’s common to see visual artists in places like video game companies, graphic art firms, and studios that work with cartoons/animation.

That being said, in many cases visual artists work entirely for themselves. In these scenarios, an artist’s duties are entirely confined to whatever project they’re working on.

This may include sketches, paintings, and computer programs. However, it may include more unorthodox materials like carved wood, welded steel, body performance, and recycled materials.

These artists may make money off of commissions from fans. Or, they could sell their art pieces to a dealer/gallery.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

It doesn’t matter if you’re entirely self-taught or a college graduate, anyone can become a visual artist. All it takes is creativity, skill, and a singular vision of the types of artwork you want to make.

That being said, some benefits come with formal education. This includes things like technique and history that can provide valuable insight into your work. But, at the end of the day, the most important requirement is your portfolio.

  1. Tattoo Artist

Tattoo artists know that a good work of art shouldn’t be confined to traditional mediums. That’s why they practice their skills on other people’s bodies.

Tattoo artists use specially designed needles to translate their vision onto someone’s skin. With this type of job, you can expect long periods of sitting, as well as frequent night/weekend hours.

Job Duties

As a tattoo artist, you will be responsible for planning and executing tattoo designs. That being said, it’s far from your only job duty. You will also need to do things like:

  • Cleaning/sterilizing your work area and equipment
  • Daily sketches and new design ideas
  • Educating yourself on the latest tattoo trends
  • Booking appointments
  • Communicating with your clients
  • Educating on aftercare routines for the tattoo

In addition to this, it’s your responsibility to stay up-to-date on current health and safety practices that revolve around tattooing.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

The first step to becoming this type of artist is to attend a course at a tattoo artist school. However, once you receive a tattoo certificate you’re still a long way from becoming a professional.

Next, you will need to work on your portfolio. This is essential for landing a tattoo apprenticeship. To become a licensed tattoo artist, this apprenticeship should last around three years.

Once your training is complete, it’s time to get your licensure. We know this is a lot of hoops to jump through.

But, remember that at the end of the day your medium is permanent work on someone else’s body. So, experience is needed before you can do it professionally.

  1. Animator

Animation is one of the few artistic careers that pay well. That’s because it’s a specialized field with a lot of demand. This BLS report predicts that the job outlook for animators should rise by as much as 16% over the next decade.

These days there are no limits to things you can animate. It’s common to see animators working in movies, television, video games, and web content.

Job Duties

Your duties as an animator will depend on what project you are assigned to. However, typically you’ll be making character animation and digitized landscapes.

High-quality animations usually involve motion capture technology, so you will be utilizing this as well.

Animation is an incredibly collaborative medium. So, you will need to work with animators, writers, directors, producers, and clients to make sure everyone’s vision is coming together.

Qualifications and Education Requirements

Like most artist careers, a college degree isn’t necessary but it’s usually preferred. This is especially true for a specialized role like animation. Ideally, you’ll have a degree in animation, computer graphics, or fine art.

If you want to animate for a video game company, a degree in game design helps. There are certainly exceptions to this. There are plenty of self-study animators that are more talented than any college graduate.

Regardless, what you will need is some practical experience as an intern before you can hope to land one of the big jobs.

Enjoy Learning About Careers for Artistic People? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn more about some of the careers for artistic people. It’s important to note that this article is only the tip of the iceberg for conventional artist careers.

There are hundreds of different jobs out there for artists. So, if nothing on this list sounds appealing, just keep searching.

Eventually, you’ll find something that fits your wants and skillsets. Did you enjoy this article? Keep exploring our website to find more guides just like it.

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