How to Outsource your game development project and get the most effective results

2021 has been a very successful year for mobile games. Due to Covid-19 Pandemic and Lockdown, the only fun activity that most of us had was indoor games, and nowadays, the best indoor games are mobile games. 


With features like social media integration and real-time voice through mics, mobile games became the new way for us to connect with our friends and family. Multiplayer games like Ludo and PUBG proved to be a lifesaver for us, and they still are. 


The massive success of these games brought the attention of many to the mobile game industry. If you have a good idea for a game, you can develop the game in a few weeks and then you can release it to earn revenue. 


Gross consumer spending reached $112 billion on mobile in 2021, of which $81 billion came from games.


How to develop a mobile game?


All the games start with an idea, and an idea is the first thing that you need. It can be a full-fledged idea with the game’s full story, or it can be a simple idea like you want a football game or a poker game. Therefore, the first thing is to decide the idea and the type of game. 


Now, as you know what you want, you just have to develop the game. But can you do so? 


If not, then you have to hire a mobile app developer, designer, and various other members to create your mobile game development team. 


The more straightforward way around is to outsource your work to a mobile game development company. This is a pocket-friendly alternative, and you will also get the benefit of the company’s experience and experience.


Considering these benefits, a plethora of businesses have started to look towards outsourcing for their design, content, and development needs. In 2016, 72% of businesses worldwide outsourced their IT-related requirements.


To ensure that you get fruitful results in the end, make sure that you follow the tips mentioned below.


7 Tips to follow to ensure fruitful results from mobile game development outsourcing


  1. Know your requirements:


The most satisfying result is the one that we wanted. And to make that happen, you will first have to list out all your requirements. 


If you know what you want, this will make things a lot easier and help you effectively communicate your requirements to the developers. 


The requirements can be the features that you want, the dimension of the game (you can also opt for AR/VR Game), the UI and UX of the game, Character of the game and how it should look, the environment of the game, the user experience that the game delivers, etc. 


The more precise you are about all your requirements, the better results you will get. Here is a list of questions that will help you in figuring out your requirements:


  • Who will be the targeted audience? 
  • What is the purpose of your game?
  • What graphic quality do you want?
  • What platforms do you wish to target?
  • What will be the main features of your game?
  • If there is a similar game in the market, what will make your game different?
  • If your game will be free or paid?
  • What will be your monetization strategy?
  • Do you want advanced games like AR/VR games or do you want simple 2D or 3D games?


Even if you cannot finalize your requirements, don’t worry. Having just an idea will work. The Mobile Game Development company will help you figure out all the requirements to transform your idea into a chartbuster game. 

  1. Choose the outsourcing type:


Once you have figured out all your requirements, now you can choose the type of outsourcing that feels suitable. There are two main types of mobile game development outsourcing:


  • Onshore Outsourcing:


If you choose any local mobile game development company, then it is known as onshore outsourcing. You can visit their office and discuss all the details and requirements in person. 


  • Offshore/Nearshore Outsourcing:


If you hire an app development company from neighbouring countries, it is known as nearshore outsourcing. If you choose a company from countries far from yours, it is called offshore outsourcing. There are no language or timezone barriers in nearshore outsourcing. However, you may find mobile game development costs to be lower in some countries. 


  1. Find the right app development company:


Once you have finalized the type of outsourcing, now is the time to choose the right mobile game development for you. The simplest way is to Google it. The IT directories and Linkedin are flooded with mobile game development companies. You can also post your requirements on Linkedin and let the companies contact you. 


To make things easy and save your efforts, try Capermint Technologies Pvt Ltd, The Leading Mobile app and game development company with headquarters in India and Canada. Do visit the Capermint website to find all the services provided and to have a look at the portfolio. 


Simply visit the Capermint website, fill in your ideas and requirements, and outsource your mobile game development to a team of effective and expert mobile game developers. 


  1. Check the company’s experience and portfolio:


Once you find a suitable company, the first thing that you should do is to check their experience, portfolio, and achievements. This will give you a better idea if the company is right for you or not. Check the portfolio to see the work of the company and to find if they have worked on a similar app as yours or not. 


If the company does not have experience working in the same industry or genre as yours, consider finding another company that has worked on similar projects. 


  1. Talk to previous clients:


This can be a little hard to follow. The easier way of doing so is by looking at the testimonials of the client. However, the testimonial is often written by the company itself, although only after the client’s concern, but the appealing words in the testimonial are not always the client’s exact words. 


Have you ever heard “Learn from the mistakes of others”? This step will help you in doing so. Contact a few clients of the mobile game development company to get their honest review. 


  1. Finalize the Pricing Strategy:


Once you are satisfied with the client reviews, it is the time to give this company a shot. Contact them and share all the details of the game along with your requirements. 


Now choose the pricing strategy for outsourcing. Here are the two types of pricing strategy you can choose from:


  • Fixed Price:


If all your requirements are clear, you can opt for this pricing strategy. The fixed price strategy is suitable for mobile app development projects that do not require any changes. Moreover, you can still ask the mobile game development company to make changes, but this will increase the game development deadline and price. 


  • Flexible Price:


This model is based on the time spent on developing and the resources used. If the requirements cannot be finalized and frequent changes and additions are to be made, this is a more suitable pricing strategy. This strategy offers total flexibility. 


  1. Request a project plan:


The project plan will be the ultimate timeline for your mobile game development with the cost breakdown. 


This will keep you and the mobile game development company in the same loop. The most used project method for flexible price strategy is Agile, and Waterfall is for the Fixed price strategy. 


It is a good idea to form the project plan before starting the project to have set clear expectations and deadlines.


Outsourcing the Game Development process will allow you to get your game developed by experts. Let the experts do their work, and now you can focus on forming marketing and advertising strategies for the game. Follow the tips mentioned above to ensure that you find the perfect mobile game development company for outsourcing your mobile game development.


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