Ideas for Robotic Life

Find out what a robotic home space is and how you can create it yourself without considerable costs. We are not talking about some gadgets of the future – we are talking about the latest technologies and devices for everyday life that already exist today.

What is a smart home?

Imagine if all the devices in your life could connect to the global net. Not only computers and smartphones, but literally everything: clocks, speakers, lights, doorbells, cameras, windows, blinds, water heaters, kitchen utensils – tell me, what can it be called? What if these devices could all communicate, send you information, and receive your commands? This is not science fiction and there is no magic here; it’s the Internet of Things, and it’s a key component of home improvement – resulting in a smart abode.

Home robotization is exactly what it sounds like: automating the ability to control elements of the home – from opening windows to feeding pets – with a simple push of a button (or voice command). Some measures, such as installing a smart light bulb, are simple and relatively inexpensive. Others, such as modern surveillance cameras, may require a more serious investment of time and money.

There are many categories of smart home products, so you can control everything from lights, temperature, and Progressive desk to locks and security in your home. Here is a summary of the best products for each of your rooms, with which you can create a smart home with your own hands.

What Can Be Controlled in the House? Popular Ideas


Today’s home automation systems make it easy to use your smartphone or tablet to control the lights in your home. You can turn the light on or off, and set the desired brightness when you are not at home or when you are lying on the couch.

Locks and security systems

The automation system will allow you to check and change, if necessary, the status of your locks and security systems remotely. In addition, many systems allow remote monitoring of home security cameras.

Household appliances

Using home automation, you can use your smartphone to set and change the oven temperature, for example, while you’re out in the yard or watching a movie.

Entertainment systems

Some home automation systems also include entertainment. Schedule TV recordings, manage your saved programs, and decide where to watch them, all from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Temperature regime and climate

With the help of a home automation program, you can raise the temperature in the house by several degrees to feel comfortable. You will not only feel more comfortable, but you will also enjoy lower bills due to reduced heating energy costs.

Detection of Carbon Dioxide

Your home automation system can detect high levels of carbon monoxide in the air and alert you if you’re in danger. This is a much more reliable method than the old stand-alone detectors from the home appliance store.

Where to start home automation from?

Automating your home is more than just downloading an app.

  1. First, you will need a controller. Today’s automation systems can usually be controlled directly from a tablet or smartphone, but some still require a centralized control panel to be installed somewhere in your home.
  2. You will also need network access so that the controller can send commands to your home’s devices. Most home automation systems use Wi-Fi or a simple Bluetooth connection. This, of course, depends on how you plan to use your system. For example, if you think you want to interact with your devices when you’re away from home, a Bluetooth connection won’t allow you to do that.
  3. Finally, your devices need some way to receive your instructions. For some, this isn’t a problem: modern home entertainment systems often have built-in Wi-Fi capability. But for others – lighting, for example – you’ll need either smart switches or smart bulbs to integrate into your home automation system.

No matter what you choose, you will, for sure, experience obvious benefits in the process of using all these things.


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