Marketing ROI: Which Channels Offer You the Best Return on Investment?

Your marketing campaigns look professional, but they’re still struggling to convert.

This common scenario begs the same question repeatedly: which mistakes are holding your campaigns back?

If you can’t answer the above question, you’ll continue to set yourself up for disappointment.

That disappointment is a lackluster marketing ROI; this term stands for “return on investment.” This number represents the number left over after your total campaign investment.

Understanding the proper marketing channels for your business is an essential step toward higher conversion rates.

Follow these tips to choose the best channels for your campaigns.

B2B vs. B2B Consumers (and Why It Matters for Your Marketing ROI)

First, let’s narrow down your target demographics. This step will stop you from sinking your biomedical marketing budget into Instagram.

Instead, you should conduct thorough market research to define your specific biomedical audience. Next, find where this audience hangs out, their favorite thought leaders, and other preferences.

For example, if you’re launching a new product for research labs, this group would be considered a B2B demographic, which stands for “business to business.” This group is best reached through whitepaper networks and Linkedin. bike 24 inch girl

If you’re selling a new children’s cough syrup to consumers, you will find more success through Facebook.

However, Facebook could also work for the B2B group since the platform is so wide-reaching.

You can always run a small test campaign to see if the ROI is worth it. Ensure you’re following best practices for managing your Facebook advertising cost to get the most out of your budget.

Visual-Based Platforms

Instagram and Pinterest are best suited for industries that rely on visual marketing.

Industries include:

  • Fashion
  • Jewelry
  • Skincare and cosmetics
  • Art and design supplies
  • Housewares
  • Textiles
  • Furniture
  • Interior design and decor
  • Wedding planning

Consumer electronics and pet supplies also sell well on these platforms. However, you’ll need a high-quality camera to post product demos for users. Some products must be demoed to generate sales, like robotic toys, drawing tablets, and gadgets.

These top visual social media networks also offer PPC-based advertising programs, allowing users to purchase items directly from sellers’ pages.

The wedding planning industry has plenty of examples of visual marketing success.

Event planners have mastered Instagram and Pinterest, using the platforms to showcase the following services and more:

  • Luxurious wedding cakes
  • Designer wedding dresses
  • Wedding florals
  • Venue design and decoration
  • Wedding reception design
  • Lighting design
  • Catering and beverage bars
  • Wedding photography

These social media mavens also keep their grids in mind. A curated, themed grid creates a fuller user experience, providing a wider breadth of creators’ work.

Supercharge Your Marketing Return on Investment

You won’t get the marketing ROI you want without investing in the right avenues.

Understand your target audience inside and out to avoid flushing your budget down the drain. Make the most of all provided features to create an experience that inspires users to follow, like, share, and purchase your items.

Keep monitoring your analytics to track consumer behavior changes so you can adapt your strategy as you go.

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