Six User Experience Trends That Will Boost Your Marketing Success

User experience goes beyond human interactions and experiences. UX is more about understanding users’ wants, needs, and desires in this rapidly advancing world and developing meaningful experiences. UX is a cost-effective tool that helps differentiate your brand and fosters user retention. It fulfills your users’ needs and plays an integral role in maintaining conversion rates. Studies show that every $1 invested in user experience can yield a return as high as $100. That’s how powerful it has become.

However, that’s not all. A good user experience is also essential for your company’s marketing. Your business requires a robust digital marketing plan with a highly improved user experience. And while organic and paid media techniques are helpful, at the end of the day, it is your marketing plan that defines your company’s success. No matter how strong your link building is, there will be no possible returns if your website is unattractive. UX designs not only make your site seem more appealing, but they also boost customer satisfaction by improving functionality.

As the market grows, the demand for more intriguing UX designs increases. Let’s now discuss some latest user experience trends that can help boost a company’s marketing.

1.Ā Ā  Voice user interface

The voice user interface has been available in the market now. But its unremitting upgrades make it one of the most attractive and valuable UX designs to exist.

Several complaints arose about the older interfaces regarding glitches when the VUIs failed to integrate with apps. On the other hand, recent modifications rectified the issue and prioritized voice interfaces.

VUI can be confusing, especially if you are new to the UX world. Therefore, we suggest you consider taking a human computer interaction course to understand better how the technology works. Apart from that, VUI is one of the most significant breakthroughs in UX to date and carries the power to transform marketing and reshape human lives for the better.

2.Ā Ā  Improved personalization


Personalization isn’t a new UX trend but a highly essential one. Personalizing your messages doesn’t only raise your conversion rates but also boosts customer retention and increases revenue. Personalized marketing helps connect with the customers, understand their perspective, and provide them with what they indeed expect. Personalized messages also help you stand out. Tailored content shows that you are willing to go the extra mile for your customers which fuels brand trust and builds loyalty. About 70% of consumers claim that they engage with personalized messages only. Moreover, 71% of consumers feel frustrated when online shopping content and website design are impersonal. 80% of customers purchase from brands that provide an excellent personalized experience.

What’s better is that personalizing messages using demographics, infographics, etc., has become much more straightforward given the rampant technological availability. Now businesses can alter and customize their website’s design considering past site behavior and interest. Personalization has become more about dynamic, proactive, and predictive experience.

3.Ā Ā  Illustrative designs

Illustrative designs are a hot seller UX trend in the market these days. Also known as vector graphics, illustrative designs are images on computers with lines and curves that give the illustration a realistic edge. As the name already suggests, these designs use illustrative ideas and approaches in nearly everything.

Illustrations are an excellent way to improve user experience and boost marketing. A recent study published stated that as many as 91% of people preferred visual content over plain text. People indeed perceive information received from images and other graphics faster and better. Illustrations are easy attention grabbers, can help boost brand identity, and assist in making your business appear friendly and approachable. They also help communicate messages more organically with the help of different tactics such as harmless humor and storytelling.

4.Ā Ā  Augmented reality

When augmented reality was initially launched, most people assumed it would only be used in games. Today, though, augmented reality has evolved into something far more. Take your phone’s camera or any photo-sharing app such as Snapchat, for instance. The introduction to thousands of filters shows how these apps augmented reality in real-time.

Not only that but augmented reality is also increasingly becoming a crucial part of the retail industry. Many brands such as American Apparel and Uniqlo use augmented reality to create virtual fitting rooms. These tactics aren’t only reinventing online shopping and putting the brands at a competitive edge. Various companies are also reporting that augmented reality tools are also helping them market their products much more effectively.

5.Ā Ā  Content prioritization

It is long-known that content marketing is now the leading marketing tactic. It can attract more audiences, helps in clearly defining a brand’s personality, and expand brand awareness. Therefore, every business’s focus right now must be towards improving their website’s content.

It is essential to understand that good content design can enhance accessibility for a broader audience. Still, it can also bridge gaps in the conversion funnels. Websites with good UX and content also make it easier for users to navigate their way to their desired link.

Recently, there has been a diversion to more minimalistic UX content designs. Apart from less and simplistic being trendy these days, minimalism ensures that users remain impressed without getting overwhelmed when surfing your site. On the other hand, complex outlines work, too, as long as you can successfully showcase your offerings entirely and clearly.

6.Ā Ā  Emotive design

There is no better marketing strategy than trying to appeal to your audience’s emotions. Emotional designs are a UX concept that focuses on developing lively designs that communicate to particular customers and clients.

Emotive designs can help direct the audience’s attention towards essential material. When you create or design something emotional, it makes our brand look more relatable. Your audience starts trusting your brand more, which eventually results in stronger customer loyalty.

Wrapping up

Many business owners still consider UX as nothing more than an industry buzzword. Still, repeated studies and research have proven to be a highly effective tool for business success. However, to fully grasp the concept to take full advantage of UX designs and trends.

As discussed earlier, the breakneck rate of technological advancements is forcing several innovations in user experience methods, designs, and trends. Many of which are also threatening to obliterate existing UX systems and concepts. Therefore, staying alert about recent trends, changing market conditions, and competition are essential for compiling a strong UX marketing strategy.


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