Why Your Business Should Consider a Mobile App

Everywhere you look, people are on their phones. Whether it’s commuting on the subway, strolling down the street, or even hanging in the wings of a social gathering. It used to be a generational thing (“those millennials are always on their phones”), but that distinction no longer holds water. Young and old, rural and urban, across demographic categories – everyone’s on their phones.

That’s an anecdotal way of saying what is already exceedingly apparent to most business owners: if you want to get people’s attention, you need a mobile presence.

If you’re like many business owners, you’ve probably broached whether to build a mobile app or optimize your website for mobile. In a perfect world, you would do both – quickly. But with limited resources and the clock ticking, this article argues that you should focus on mobile apps.

Simply put, a mobile app has more functionality and potential than a mobile website. Below, let’s unpack what makes a mobile app beneficial, making the ironclad case for why you should hire an app development company for your business.

The Stats Paint a Clear Picture

Anecdotes are fine in a pinch, but let’s bring some serious data to bear on the topic. Here are some salient stats to support the importance of a mobile app:

  • Mobile penetration: Statista forecasts the number of global mobile users will hit 4.3 billion in the next year. Roughly 85% of Americans own a smartphone, though that accounts for all age demographics. According to Pew Research, an estimated 95% of Americans aged 18 to 49 own a smartphone.
  • Time spent browsing: ai reports that consumers in nine major markets spend more than four hours a day browsing apps.
  • Preference: A recent survey found that 58% of consumers preferred shopping on a mobile app over other channels, citing convenience and personalization.

To summarize, more people are on their phones, for longer periods of time, and they value the convenience and personalization of apps when shopping. Together, those statistics paint a clear picture of the value of mobile apps for businesses.

Opportunities to Serve, Support and Delight

Mobile apps present a unique opportunity to serve, support and delight customers. You can leverage predictive data to make relevant recommendations and attractive offers to customers. You can deploy AI-powered chatbots to offer round-the-clock support to customers. And you can even incorporate engaging emerging technologies like augmented reality to wow customers. There’s a wide range of functionality and opportunity contained within a custom mobile app.

Harness the Power of Data

In order to deliver personalized experiences, mobile apps need to garner large swaths of user information like location, demographic, buying history, search preferences, etc. Your business can use this user data to steer business decisions, improve the relevance of your offerings and target areas of strength and weakness.

Optimize for Conversion

When you mix the streamlined browsing and navigation, data-driven recommendations and fast checkout paths of a well-made app with the ubiquity and portability of mobile phones, you get a product optimized for conversion. In other words: apps inherently guide the buyer’s journey, removing obstacles and facilitating decision-making.

The bottom line here is: If your company has the budget to build a mobile app, you should build a mobile app. Doing so will help you access a growing share of smartphone users who prefer to shop via apps. And an app will help you deliver superior digital service, reap indispensable consumer insights and streamline your customer journey to drive conversion.


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