21 Best Data formatting Tools for 2023

The first thing you will learn as a data analyst is how important it is to clean data effectively. Fortunately, there are several industry tools you can use to streamline this process, which can be especially useful for beginners. Additionally, many of these data formatter tools have been tailored to address specific needs, such as customer data, which is crucial to 21st-century businesses. We highlight a few popular data formatting tools  by LambdaTest that data analysts use every day in this post.

LambdaTest is a cloud-based platform where you can test your web and mobile applications. It also supports different frameworks for web and mobile automation testing frameworks like Selenium, Cypress, Playwright, Appium and more. A range of more than 3,000 real devices and browsers can be tested with LambdaTest to ensure cross-browser compatibility. From HTML, XML, and JSON formatters and converters, to robust test data generators, LambdaTest has a collection of free online tools, utilities, and libraries for developers, testers, and designers.

21 Best Data Formatting Tools For 2023

Let us look at some of the best data formatting tools that are available. Keep reading about them to know more.

  1. IDN Encoder

The Domain Name System (DNS) needs this conversion to understand and manage Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). Punycode is a system that encodes the domain name using ASCII characters and the prefix xn--. When you register for an IDN domain, you receive Punycode that you can use to convert your domain name. The IDN Encode online tool converts the domain name to Punycode. An IDN domain is converted into Punycode and resolved when a URL containing an IDN domain is entered into a web browser.

2. IDN Decode

It is possible to convert a domain name with special characters (Unicode) to its actual Punycode encoding for free with LambdaTest’s IDN Decoder. Punycode is used in IDN domains to decode the domain name. IDN Decode, an online tool for converting domain names to Punycode, is provided when you register for an IDN domain. IDN domains are converted into Punycode and resolved when users type the URL into their browser.

3. XML to JSON

In addition to defining how to encode data in a text format, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) does not explain how to interpret it. XML is a markup language specifically designed to define custom markup languages. In addition to data interchange, it is also useful for other applications. Converting XML files to JSON files is easy and quick with our XML to JSON converter.

XML elements that have attributes will be converted to properties in JSON documents, and elements with multiple instances in the XML document will be converted to arrays of objects.

4. JSON to XML

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) specifies only how data should be encoded in text and not how it should be interpreted. It can be used for more than data interchange because Exemplary Markup Language (XML) is designed explicitly for defining custom markup languages. With our XML to JSON converter, you can convert XML files to JSON files easily and quickly. It is an online tool for converting JSON files to XML files. It is important to keep in mind that the process is not 100% accurate due to the fact that XML uses unrepresentable item types in JSON, so the following rules must be followed:

  • There will be a default root element created for you.
  • XML elements will be created for each entry in the array.
  • Text item types will be converted for all JSON property values.
  • XML escapes will be applied to all offending characters.

5. BCD to Decimal Convertor

It is a method of representing decimal digits with a binary sequence in computers and electronic systems. By using the BCD to Decimal Converter (BDC), a binary-coded decimal (BCD) is converted to an integer. Using the BCD to Decimal converter, each nibble of the binary-coded decimal is converted into a decimal digit, which is then combined to produce a decimal number.

6. HEX to Decimal Convertor:

There are virtually no differences between the decimal and binary number systems when it comes to hexadecimal numbers. Instead of a base of 10 or 2, hex uses a base of 16. In the hexadecimal system, the numbers 0-9 are represented as 0-9, while letters A, B, C, D, E, and F are used to represent the numbers 10-15. Base 16 is needed to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal numbers. Once all digits have been multiplied by 16’s power, the number is added together. When all digits have been multiplied by 16’s power, the number is then added together.

7. Decimal to BCD:

Using the Decimal to BCD Converter, you can convert an integer into a binary-coded decimal (BCD) for use in computer and electronic systems. By breaking the Decimal digit into nibbles, the Decimal to BCD converter converts each nibble into a binary-coded decimal (BCD). Then, it separates the digits to form the BCD.

8. UTF8 Decoder:

With the UTF8 Decoder, Unicode characters can be decoded into variable-length strings. UTF-8 is the most commonly used Unicode decoding and is used by most applications and websites. Each Unicode character is made readable by using 1-4 bytes.

In addition to creating test cases to verify that a UTF8 string has been correctly decoded, UTF8 Decoder generates test cases for Unicode and ASCII text data in UTF8 decoding. When you run the program, you’ll be able to see whether the output data corresponds to what you expected. If there are any byte errors, these will be shown in the output.

9. UTF8 Encode

Unicode Transformation Format 8 (UTF-8) is an encoding system that is capable of translating Unicode characters into unique binary strings and vice versa. It converts all Unicode characters into unique binary strings and vice versa. During the conversion process, the binary digits represent the numeric code point of each character in the earlier Unicode scheme. Once that is done, the original character can be reconstructed using the same binary digits.

10. HEX to RGB Converter

There is no difference between RGB and HEX colors, they are just three values of red, green, and blue.  RGB and HEX are colors that are referred to using sets of three numbers rather than letters. For example, when using CSS files, hexadecimal numbers can be used to code. The leftmost two digits of a hexadecimal color code can be converted to decimal values to obtain the red color level. Using the middle two digits of a hexadecimal color code, you can find the green color level.

11. RGB to HEX Converter

In HEX and RGB, colors are expressed as sets of three numbers rather than letters. HEX and RGB both refer to the same thing, a red, green, and blue color value. There are three different input values for red, green, and blue in the CSS file format that range from 0 to 255 in HEX numbers. Those values are then converted into hexadecimal strings that can be used to specify colors in HTML/CSS code.

12. HTML To Markdown

Content on the Internet can be marked up with HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) so that it displays properly in a browser. Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript are scripting languages that can be used to enhance it. Markdown files are plain text files that can be formatted by using formatting symbols, such as bolding text, defining headers, and indenting.

Data Source starts processing your HTML file automatically when you paste or drag-and-drop it into the text area, so you don’t have to run any code.

13. Markdown to HTML

Content on the Internet can be marked up using HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) so that it displays properly in web browsers. Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript can be used to “enhance” it. You can add formatting symbols to plain text files to make text bold, define headers and indentation, and create lists using Markdown format symbols. The HTML code file is created automatically without you having to run anything after you paste or drag and drop your Markdown file into the text area of Data Source.

14. Decimal to Gray Code:

It is a free online tool to convert decimal numbers into gray code format based on any decimal base. No ads, pop ups, or nonsense. Just enter decimal numbers, and they will be converted in real-time.

15. Gray Code To Decimal

Any gray code format can be converted into decimal using the Gray Code to Decimal converter, which is free online. Using this free online tool, you can convert gray code values to decimal values in real-time. No ads, pop ups, or nothing to worry about.

16. URL Decode Online

During URL decoding, special characters are removed from a URL, making it easier to read. If you accidentally put a pound sign or hash symbol within the URL, decoding it removes it, making the address easier to read. When you decode a URL, these symbols are removed.

This makes the URL more readable to people as well as search engines. It is useful if your website was created with HTML and you want to share your address without having to reveal the special characters in your address. Our URL Decode tool converts special HTML characters into a standard URL that can be used for links on your website.

17. URL Encode Online

By encoding a URL, certain characters are replaced with character triplets containing % followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent their numeric values. In URL encoding, the character % is used as an escape character, which is why it is also known as percent encoding.

Only ASCII characters can be used to copy URL addresses over the Internet. A URL address containing characters outside the ASCII set must be converted into ASCII format. URLs encoded with hexadecimal digits replace unsafe ASCII characters with a percent sign (%).

18. Base64 Encoder:

A binary data set can be converted into text using base64 encoding, which makes it easier to transmit via e-mail and HTML form data. The 65th character, which is =, is used to pad. ASCII encodings work with a subset of the US-ASCII character set. The first 64 characters are represented by equivalent 6-bit binary sequences (26 = 64).

19. Base64 Decode:

To make text form more easily transmitted via e-mail or HTML form data, Base64 decoding converts it into binary data. The 65th character, which is =, is used for padding. The first 64 characters are represented by equivalent 6-bit binary sequences (26 = 64). Base64 decoding works with a subset of the US-ASCII charset.

20. Text to HTML Entities Online

In HTML, HTML Entities are used for displaying characters. Text to HTML Entities Converter saves and shares them. Additionally, the converter converts text to numbers that represent reserved characters that can then be displayed by the browser. With LambdaTest’s free Text to HTML Entities Converter, you can load text into HTML easily. Convert plain text that represents reserved characters into HTML entities by pasting your text and clicking the “Convert to Entities” button.

21. HTML Entities to Text Converter Online

In order to convert certain characters into HTML entities, the HTML entities to text encoder must be used. In HTML, these characters have particular significance, and they can be converted into their related HTML entities.

HTML entities are converted into text format so they can be read. Some of the text elements contain characters that are part of HTML syntax. A browser will be able to read this text as & instead of HTML syntax. E.g., & will be converted to & instead of HTML syntax.


In order to draw meaningful inferences and make predictions based on data, it is essential that it is properly organized. You can perform advanced analytics with the help of Data formatting tools. Choose the right tool that meets your requirements and you’ll be an Analytics pro in no time!


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