How to develop a brand on a budget

When you start up a business, you need to consider your brand. Your brand is what identifies you and what makes you stand out from your competitors. It won’t come as a surprise that a couple of the most well-known and valuable brands in the world are Amazon and McDonald’s but, unsurprisingly, these companies have huge budgets. Most businesses don’t have this size of budget, so it can be even more challenging to develop your brand.

It is not just about the size of your budget though; even if this is limited, you can still develop a successful brand. These are some tips for developing your brand, even if you are on a budget.

Understand your target market

The first thing to do before you start developing your brand is to understand your target market. When you understand who is potentially going to buy your products or services, you will have a clear vision of how to build your brand. For instance, if your target market is corporate organisations, then your branding should be professional. If you are aiming at children, then your branding would be light-hearted and fun.

Design your website and logo

Whereas many businesses hire a consultant to design their website and logo, you can also do it yourself. Although it may not be as flashy or detailed as one a consultant can create, it is a good starting point. There are many ways you can do this these days, such as using a logo generator or a website like Canva. You can always hire a specialist further down the line to improve the look of your branding when you have a bigger budget.

Use social media

You can use social media to build your brand by posting regularly and encouraging engagement. Depending on the type of business you have, you may even want to create a group on Facebook to build a community. These days, being digital is vital for developing a strong brand, and digital transformation should always be at the forefront of everything you do.

Create engaging content

You can develop your brand by creating engaging content and offering tips and helpful information. It is completely free to do this, but is also one of the best ways to develop your brand. Share your content on your social media platforms, be consistent, and eventually, people will start to share it. The main point about creating content is that you ensure it is valuable and readers get something from it. Avoid throwing up content just for the sake of it.

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Customer service strategy

It is a good idea to plan your customer service strategy so that you can develop a positive brand. When you consider Amazon’s brand, the way they operate is by providing super-fast delivery. If you have forgotten someone’s birthday, you know that you can order on Amazon, and most of the time it will arrive the next day. It is something to bear in mind when creating a strategy. How long will it take to answer a customer’s email? Will you reply straight away, or can customers expect to hear from you within a week? When do you deliver online orders? Do you post on social media weekly or daily? It is worth considering these points as if you stick to a specific strategy, your customers will know what to expect. Therefore, you will be able to build a strong and reliable brand.

Email marketing

You don’t want your customers to forget about you, and this is why email marketing is a great addition to your marketing campaign. Email marketing can be completely free (depending on what package you take out), and it is a good way to build relationships with your customers and ensure you’re always at the forefront of their minds.

Monitor your feedback

If you have good reviews, you won’t need to spend much on marketing. Word of mouth is one of the most valuable ways to grow your business and this comes from having a great product or service, providing value, and offering good customer service. It is, therefore, vital that you monitor your feedback. It’s not just about looking at reviews but also monitoring any comments about your business. For instance, you may receive a comment about delivery taking too long, and by replying and dealing with the issue, you can help ensure you develop a strong brand. You can also actively encourage customers to leave a review.

Use business cards

You never know when you might meet a prospective customer, so carrying around business cards can be extremely useful. Business cards are not costly, and even if you are on a budget, you will find an affordable option. If you want to build your brand, business cards are one way to do it.

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